2nd Grade small group reading groups joined together for fun times. They finished reading “Angels Don’t Know Karate” and then cut out sugar cookies and decorated them for their whole 2nd grade class.
about 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
Please notice the COVID restrictions for tomorrow nights basketball game between South Holt at North Nodaway. The start time for boys JV will be 5:15, Girls varsity 6:00, 1/4 of Girls JV, and Boys Varsity.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
Hillyard's students will not attend tomorrow. Student's please plan to attend the full day at South Holt from 8:20 am - 1:00 pm.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
SH boys lose to EA 30-40.
about 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
South Holt Varsity boys lead East Atchison at halftime 17-15.
about 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
South Holt varsity girls basketball lose tonight to East Atchison in a tough, close game by a score of 34-29.
about 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt varsity girls basketball lead over East Atchison at halftime by a score of 15-12!
about 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt JV girls basketball lose to East Atchison JV 31-16. Girls varsity next followed by boys varsity.
about 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt JV girls basketball playing a full game tonight vs East Atchison in Oregon. At halftime East Atchison JV leads 24-4.
about 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt has canned and boxed food to give away to families in need over the holiday and winter break. Any family who would like to receive donated food, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Graham or Mrs. Haylee Olberding Erickson 446-2288. Arrangements can be made to get the food to the families. We have a wide variety of food to give away.
about 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
There will be a food drop in Oregon at the Methodist Church onThursday, December 17th at 11:00. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
Tonight’s 6-12th grade chorus and band concert is an in-person event starting at 6:00. Visitors are welcome and must wear a mask and social distance. We will livestream the concert on our Facebook page for those who can’t make it to the concert.
about 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
South Holt basketball will play North Nodaway on Friday, December 18th at Hopkins. The evening wll begin with 1/2 of a JV boys game beginning at 5:15 pm. Girls Varsity will begin at 6:00 with a girls JV quarter to follow. The Boys Varsity match up will being around 7:30 pm. North Nodaway will broadcast the game on thier Facebook page.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt will play East Atchison on Tuesday, December 15th at home. 5:00 pm Full game of JV girls, 6:00 pm Varsity girls, and 7:30 pm Varisty boys. The game will be live streamed on the South Holt Facebook page.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
Parents, tonight's JH/HS Winter Concert will be live streamed on Facebook Live. Please go to the South Holt School District Facebook page to view.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
Parents, just a reminder, the South Holt JH/HS Winter Concert will occur tomorrow evening at 6:00 pm. The night will include performances by the: Junior High Choir, High School Choir, 6th grade Band, and the JH/HS Band.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
After 3 qtrs. South Holt Boys 27, Maysville 33.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
At halftime, The Knights trail the Wolverines 17-31.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
After 1 qtr. South Holt Boys are down 12-5 to Maysville.
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
At Halftime South Holt JV leads Maysville 18-15..
about 4 years ago, Mark Anderson