Mr. Anderson is meeting with the 7-12th grade students.
South Holt First Day of School for the 2019-2020 school year!
Thank you for attending back to school night this evening. See you bright and early for the first day of school. Hillyards students, please report to school tomorrow for first hour.
The back to School Bonfire scheduled for tonight is canceled.
South Holt FFA will be a hosting a Back to School Bonfire for 7-12th graders at the empty lot by the greenhouse tomorrow night following the volleyball scrimmage. Join us for hotdogs, smores, and yard games!
South Holt Back to School Night will occur on Tuesday (8/20) from 5:00pm - 6:00pm. High School Softball, Volleyball, and Cross Country will be introduced during the Volleyball Scrimage scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM.
South Holt staff back in the building preparing for the school year. Learning from Devon Sons (Atchison Co. Sheriff Office) in these photos.
South Holt / Spartan High School Football Players - Team Photos will be on Thursday (8/22/19). Forms in the information center at School. All other photos will be taken on a seperate date.
Junior High Football practice begins Monday. Junior High players need to be on the bus by 2:30 to practice at Nodaway Holt. Practice will end around 4:30. The bus will return around 5:00.
SHHS Parents, Just a reminder that meet the Spartans will occur tonight in Graham at 6:00 PM. HS Cheer and Football will be introduced. All other groups will be introduced at Open House on 8/20 at 6:00 PM.
Congratulations to the following FFA members for their placing at the MO State Fair.
Riley Schroeder- Grand Champion Corsage
Lily Noel- Grand Champion Boutonniere
Makayla Bohart- Reserve Grand Champion Corsage
Back to School Night will occur on Tuesday (8/20) from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. High School Softball, Volleyball, and Cross Country will be introduced during the Volleyball Scrimage scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM.
Meet the Spartans will occur Wednesday (8/13) in Graham, Missouri. Football Players and Cheerleaders for High School will be recognized. Activities begin at 6:00 pm.
South Holt - Immunization reminder. 8th graders need Tdap adn Meningitis. 12th grade need Meningitis. Info on school web page. If you received a postcard last spring, your child needs the vaccines.
Junior High football players can pick up their equipment today, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.
South Holt Elementary Class Roster - 6th Grade
South Holt Elementary Class Roster - 5th Grade
South Holt Elementary Class Roster - 4th Grade
South Holt Elementary Class Roster - 3rd Grade
South Holt Elementary Class Roster - 2nd Grade