South Holt softball practice for today, Thursday, August 13 is canceled due to contact tracing protocol needing to be conducted by Holt County Health Department.
over 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
South Holt Seniors and Sophomores. Josten's will be at South Holt on Wednesday, September 9th to present graduation announcements, cap and gown, and Senior clothing to our Seniors. Class rings will also be showcased for our Juniors. Orders will be due on Wednesday, September 16th
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt will conduct impact screening for all students-athletes in 7th, 9th, and 11th grade on Friday, August 14th in the school library and computer lab. Please arrive a few minutes before the listed times. Juniors 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, Freshmen and any new student to South Holt 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, and all incoming 7th graders interested in participating in sports this year from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Please contact Mark Anderson if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
8/10/20 Softball practice will move to the school. Meet in Mrs. Allen's classroom at 3:30, bring glove, fielding mask, and your own water bottle.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt JH and HS Registration Schedule (Change from previously posted information). Monday, August 17th - Seniors 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM. Juniors 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Sophomores 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Tuesday, August 18th - Freshmen 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM. 8th Graders 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. 7th Graders 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM. In order to prevent long lines and long wait times, please plan to attend at the posted times. Families with multiple students in JH/HS, can attend during 1 session in order to prevent multiple trips to the school. Students new to the South Holt R1 School district will need to provide proof of residence and shot records. Social distancing will be required during our registrations, please keep 6 feet spacing between family groups and avoid the formation of long wait lines. All handbooks will be online, and signature pages will be available for handing out and collecting. Locker assignments have been predetermined in order to help speed up the process of registration. Please contact Mark Anderson if you have any questions or concerns related to registration.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt JH/HS registration will occur on Monday, August 17th. In order to follow social distancing guidelines, registration will be organized by grade level appointments. Families with multiple children in 7th - 12th grade will be able to enroll all students during one visit. Specific times will be released this week in an attempt to work around scheduled athletic practices.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt Back To School Night is Friday, August 21st from 5:00pm-6:00pm. South Holt School is preparing for students returning to school on Monday, August 24th. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the building administration; Mr. Quinlin in the elementary and Mr. Anderson in the JH/HS.
over 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt parents, students, and community members are being asked to review the South Holt Elementary Student Roster for all grade levels. Please contact the elementary office for any changes or additions to the list. Phone at (660)446-2356 OR email at **Class sections for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade will be determined just before the first day of school** --> EXPLORE --> ELEMENTARY SCHOOL --> STUDENT ROSTER 2020
over 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt School preparing for students returning to school on Monday, August 24th. School supply list for elementary students.
over 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt Junior High athletics will kick off on Monday, August 17th. Junior High Volleyball will be with Ms. Lynn from 10:00 am - 12:00. JH Football will practice at Graham from 3:00 - 4:30. The bus will leave SH at 2:30. 7th and 8th Grade football equipment will be handed out from 1:00-3:00 PM on Thursday, August 13th.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt high school fall sports are set to begin practice on Monday, August 10th at the following times and locations: Cross Country - 8:00 AM near the green house, Volleyball - 8:00 - 11:00 Main Gym, Softball - 3:30 at the ball field in Forest City, and Football - 4:00 - 7:00 on the practice field in Oregon. All participants must have a current sports physical on file before they may practice.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
South Holt will not have weight room work-outs on Monday, August 3rd for HS and JH students.
over 4 years ago, Ted Quinlin
The make-up date for the JH football camp at Nodaway-Holt will be Wednesday 8/5/20. Camp will begin at 3:00 and the bus will leave South Holt at 2:30 PM.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
Spartan Junior High Football Camp for tonight has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
The bus for junior high football camp leaves South Holt today at 5:30. All players and participants must bring their own water containers/bottles. Communal water bottles will not be available. Please bring your own.
over 4 years ago, Bob Ottman
Junior High football players participating in the football camp, the bus to Nodaway-Holt will be leaving tomorrow July 28th, at 5:30 PM.
over 4 years ago, Scheuerell, Chad
South Holt/Nodaway-Holt High School Football Camp will occur August 3rd - August 7th from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm at South Holt High School.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
MSHSAA has relaxed regulations for summer dead period for the 2020-2021 school year due to covid 19. With these restrictions being lifted, South Holt has allowed its coaches to continue its summer contact days through August 7th. All workouts are voluntary in nature and South Holt administration and its coaches fully support any families decision to miss out on contact days or camps due to family planned vacations.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
The Nodaway-Holt Booster Club has shared their online orders for Spartan Gear. If interested, please go online and make your selections before 7/30/20 using the following link.
over 4 years ago, Mark Anderson
Junior High football players participating in the July 28th and July 29th camp will need an updated sports physical to practice.
over 4 years ago, Scheuerell, Chad