They will be filling sandbags in Forest City tonight at 6 pm. Both at the water plant and downtown across from the bar. The automated bagger will be at the downtown site and will have hand crews at the water plant. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
Summer ball signups coming to a close soon and we still need kids to complete teams call or text Nikki Harris at 8162445070 leave a message or text
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
They are going to fill sandbags again tonight at Forest City water plant at 6pm. Two loads worth of sand. Any help appreciated.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
Representative Allen Andrews meeting with 4th graders.
almost 6 years ago, Kurtz, Sarah
Allen Andrews
Allen Andrews
Allen Andrews
Holt County and other leaders extend a hug THANK YOU! To all the volunteers who helped bad sand for the flood. At one count today there were over 80 people helping at the Forest City site. Well done!
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
Sandbagging at the Forest City water plant will begin around 4:30. Please bring shovels and gloves. Thank you
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
They are waiting for sand at the water plant. I will let you know when we get sand. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
Sandbagging going on in Forest City at the water plant. Water topping levy at Weber Farms. All help greatly needed. Call 660-491-4648 for a ride
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
Shared Open Gym tonight @ 6pm! Come play some Basketball or Volleyball!
almost 6 years ago, Plummer, Rachel
More help is needed filling sand bags at the county barn in Oregon. Young help especially needed.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
Mrs. Allen’s high school math classes celebrate Pi Day (3.14) by baking mini Pi’s and Pi fries. Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (Pi 3.14159....)
almost 6 years ago, Allen, April
Geometry class celebrating Pi day.
South Holt buses will be hard surface only until Wednesday. We will check with the commissioners on Wednesday for further direction.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
South Holt Elementary is celebrating Missouri School Read-In Day today! “Celebrity Readers”, published author presentation, and storyteller Will Stuck all happening. All kids should carry a book for announces “Stop, Drop, and Read” opportunities! Should be a great day!!
almost 6 years ago, Ted Quinlin
South Holt 4th graders enjoyed playing bingo with residents at the Oregon Care Center.
almost 6 years ago, Kurtz, Sarah
Playing bingo
Playing bingo
South Holt will be running buses on hard surfaces only, no rock roads, until further notice. Please contact your bus driver or Richard Corbin, 660-442-5111 to discuss your plan. Plan to meet the bus at the highway, designate new pick up/drop off location or bring kids to school.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
South Holt Elementary celebrating Missouri School Read-In Day on Friday, March 15th. Guest readers, author visit, and Will Stuck storytelling assembly in the afternoon. Sounds like fun! Encourage your child to decorate a book cover. Now due on Thursday!
almost 6 years ago, Ted Quinlin
Decorate Book Covers
New date for the FFA Breakfast is March 30th at the TJ Hal Building from 6:30am to 10am. We hope to see you there!
almost 6 years ago, Aeschliman, Jessica
2019 SHNH Track apparel order forms are now available at the student information center across from the HS office or from Mr. Ottman. Orders are due this Friday, March 15th. Order forms can also be found on the South Holt Athletic Booster Club Facebook page.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman
March 25th County Government Day for 9th graders. Students will learn about their local government. Students must dress professionally. Students should not wear blue jeans and t-shirts.
almost 6 years ago, Scheuerell, Chad
Attention all SH bus riders. Please keep us informed of the condition of your rock roads. We know they are pretty rough and soft in places. Any changes to your riding schedule should be told to Richard at 660-442-5111.We can meet you at the highway or you can bring to school.
almost 6 years ago, Bob Ottman